We will update this post with additional information as we receive it.
Egg Retrieval Day 1 update:
Out of the 8 retrieved, 6 were mature, and all fertilized. We have 5 embryos continuing to grow. We lost one likely due to being abnormal.
Egg Retrieval Update Day 5:
2 embryos made it and the remaining 3 are still “growing”. We’ll get another update tomorrow. Those that make it will be biopsied for genetic testing.
Hopeful we get 1-2 normal embryos. This is data from previous egg retrievals.
Egg Retrieval Update Day 6:
The remaining 3 are still “growing”. If they don’t get to the next stage by tomorrow, we will lose them. We still have the 2 that made it and the next big hurdle is genetic testing. If we end up with just these 2, we might need to do another egg retrieval depending on the genetic results, which are maybe 50% to pass as normal. We are hopeful. 🍍🤞🏼🙏🏼🍀
Egg Retrieval Update Day 7:
The remaining 3 are did not make it. One did make it to the blastocyst stage but was not acceptable quality. They indicated it would not survive the freezing and thawing. We still have the 2 that made it and the next step is waiting for the results of genetic testing. The reality is that none or at least one may be normal. We remain hopeful and we still have 1 frozen embryo. We hope we can add another one in hope of having one child as everyone embryo doesn’t not equal a child. That is the next big step, the embryo transfer.
PGS (Genetic) Testing Results: 0 normal embryos. We are heartbroken and will do one more egg retrieval in late October/early November.