Today we are finally retrieving the eggs! It’s been a busy two weeks of shots and blood work! For those of you not familiar with this process, here’s what will happen today, and in the next two weeks.
- I’ll be put under anesthesia, and the doctor will retrieve the eggs. While I’m having my procedure, Jack will have some “quiet time” in a “special room” in order to send in his best swimmers. This is an outpatient procedure so we will be home once I am out of recovery. I’ll be on pain meds for the rest of the day while Jack keeps an eye on me. We will update you as soon as we can.
- The embryologists will take each mature egg and inject each with one of the best available swimmers.
- Day after retrieval, considered Day 1, embryologist will inform us of how many were mature and fertilized. There will be no updates on days 2, 3, or 4 while the embryos will remain in culture media that is designed to mimic the fluid in the fallopian tubes. Then the embryos are transferred to different culture media, which is formulated to mimic the uterine environment. They are then left undisturbed until Day 5. The goal is that they make it to Day 5
- Day 5 – embryologist will inform us how many made it. Sometimes the embryos need another day or two. Grading will be provided for each embryo.
- The embryos that make it to Day 5, 6 or 7 will be biopsied for genetic testing. This process takes about 7-10 business days. They will update us the results.
Our previous egg retrievals (ER) for reference:
ER #1 = 0 – None made it past day 1.
ER #2 = 1 normal embryo (sent 3 embryos in for testing)
ER #3 = 2 normal embryos (sent 3 embryos in for testing)
FYI: We have transferred 2 of the embryos and have 1 remaining.
Here’s to hoping that we recruit more normal embryos to help us have a family! Again, as always, thanks for your support and we hope the next few weeks go by quickly so we can find out our results!
Janet & Jack
Sending allllllll the best energy to these baby eggs!!