We have been pretty quiet as there hasn’t been any news to share since our September egg retrieval results. We have recovered from the devastating news from our last round, and are hopeful that this next (and final) round will yield better results.
After the last egg retrieval, my doctor had me on rest for one month. When Aunt Flo visits, that tees up the next steps. However, ole Auntie took her sweet time this month (40 days to be exact). Thankfully she arrived yesterday, as there were concerns that something may be going wrong… another cyst, some otherwise new nightmare, etc. Fortunately, nothing was wrong, and things looked great! The doctor saw 12 follicles (eggs)! He was very happy and even gave me a high-five! For comparison, the last cycle produced seven follicles. With that, shots began tonight, and will continue for two weeks. BTW, this is the most follicles we have seen in all my egg retrievals.
This is what we truly needed today which was unexpected! Lately, I had also been having doubts and feeling something telling me to just transfer the last embryo vs. doing another egg retrieval. I think it was guilt on spending the money on another round, as well as not wanting to put my body through the emotional and physical turmoil for the fifth time. After discussions, we decided we were not ready to throw in the towel just yet. We are also very terrified of this road ending so we want to just hold out a little longer and hope this next round will give us more chances to become parents.
The next two weeks will be filled with nightly shots and frequent doctor check-ups. The procedure will be the week of Thanksgiving and we will know the the exact date about 2 days prior to the procedure. It all depends on how the eggs are cooking. With this, we are sad to have to cancel our Thanksgiving trip to see Jack’s family, but are thankful that they are understanding and have been so supportive.
Fingers cross for the best round yet!
And last, we are thankful for your support.
Janet and Jack