Final Update
Monday, December 3, 2018
We finally received the PGS testing results for our 2 embryos that were biopsied. Out of the two, we have 1 normal embryo out of this cycle! Adding to the 1 embryo we have in Seattle that makes TWO on ice! We are beyond happy that we have 2 chances to have a baby! You may be wondering if we’ll put in 2 embryos for twins, but the doctor will not because they are genetically tested and it’s too dangerous for my petite stature. What’s next? I will rest this month and next month, I will do a mock transfer to ensure my lining is receptive and if all goes well, we will transfer one in February. Thank you all for your support and kindness during this time.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
The 2 little embryos that could! The 2 embryos made it to Day 5!! Now we wait about a week to see if they are normal. We are hoping at least one is normal. We are in disbelief and are enjoying this moment.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
We received our Day 1 report this morning, of the 9 eggs, 5 were mature, all 5 were fertilized and only 2 made it. This a big hit to us as the numbers are not promising. Typically the numbers drop 50% as each day goes by. Our next update will be Day 5 (Saturday), we have a tiny bit of hope for these 2 little ones but we brace ourselves considering what we know with our historical numbers. It’s really unfortunate news at this point as we were really hoping for our best round, but this is our worst so far. They say age is just a number, but when it comes to making a baby, it does mean something. We will look on the bright side as we do have 1 normal embryo left in Seattle, so we will transfer it here and pray that it will stick. After that, it may be the end of the road for us.
We are doing ok right now, we may be numb or going through this for so long has toughened us a bit.
Please be patient with us if we are a bit quiet and slow to respond to you. It’s not that we don’t appreciate the support, it’s just so hard to feel so defeated and we are trying to look on the bright side for now with our last embryo. It’s not over until the fat lady sings.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Egg Retrieval Day: 9 egg retrieved. Minnie is feeling better than the last round. Tomorrow we receive results on how many were mature and fertilized.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Today’s scan: the doctor thinks there will be 8-9 mature eggs and hoping the stragglers will catch up. The next two weeks will be stressful as we wait for the results on how many make it to day 5 and then sent for PGS (genetic) testing. We are hoping for at least 1 normal embryo.
We’ll share the news when we know. No news means we haven’t heard yet.
Thanks to the ttc community, family, and friends for your support. Let’s do this! 😘
Very thankful!!!
Your perseverance is admirable.
May you two be blessed with the very Best result this time.
Mom 😘
I’m thrill beyond happy for you two with this result.
Mom Thuy 🙂