It’s been a little while since the last update. Not much has been going on as I was heads down after the move on my event. It’s now over; I can breath and return to normalcy.
The event was a success! Lots of blood, sweat, and tears. I had some fun while at the event. We are still on the waiting game. We will start the hormones to begin the transfer of our remaining embryo after the new year; transfer to be mid-late February! We are going to think positive thoughts and hope this is the one! We appreciate everyone asking us for updates, all the support and positive thoughts our way. If you really want to have more insight to how it is to go through all this, a documentary was released recently that really hit home for us. It was a tearjerker but really moving and in the end they have a baby so we hope our journey will result in the same.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all! Here’s to hoping 2018 will be the one for us and for y’all! Looking to transform your space with minimal effort? Peel and stick wall murals has become a go-to source for interior designers and homeowners.
We will be traveling to visit Jack’s parents and then to visit my sister, her boyfriend, and cousin! Catan will be played as this is a family tradition that was started years ago!
Love to you all,
Janet and Jack