At this point in time, my current clinic has referred me to a specialist who specializes in uterine scarring called Asherman’s Sydrome. The doctor, Dr. Charles March, he is the one that recommended the HSG test where they x-ray your uterus and put ink to see if your tubes are open. We found the scarring and one tube blocked. The test can be painful if you have blockage. We had a consultation via Skype while we were on vacation. He says I have minimal scarring and is recommending we have a hysteroscopy to remove the scarring in my uterus. After about a month or so of healing, we will have a check up to make sure it’s healing correctly and at the same time, prep my body for another egg retrieval. As time is not on my side, it’s best to do another egg retrieval in the case the last embryo doesn’t work and we don’t put our last embryo in one basket. We are hopeful and I am not trying to over think it. I joined a support group online and everyone says he’s the best considering there are only 2 doctors in the U.S. who specialize and understand the scarring in the uterus. There are many success stories! We will travel later this month to have the surgery. I can come home the following day but we will stay through the weekend to visit with some friends.