We have been a little quiet lately, as there hasn’t been much to report following our egg retrieval in November. We had December off as a rest month, and traveled to Houston and Austin for the holidays. It was really great to see family and friends and we got a well needed recharging of our batteries.
We have moved on to the next phase of IVF which begins with a test run of an embryo transfer. The test run is exactly like a normal transfer but instead of putting the embryo in, the doctor will take a biopsy of my lining when it reaches its peak thickness (the test is known as an EFT, or Endometrial Function Test). Janet had a check up this week which measured ~5mm, which is thin, so the doctor has increased the estrogen protocol and scheduled a follow-up next Friday for another lining check. If the biopsy results are normal, we’ll move forward with a transfer in the next month or so. If abnormal, the doctor may be able to improve the lining receptivity by making some changes to the medications, which may improve our chances of becoming parents. Here’s hoping for positive news in the coming weeks!
Minnie Box is also picking a little bit of speed so that is keeping Janet busy with IVF appointments. Check out www.minnie-box.com or Instagram www.instagram.com/minnie__box.
We hope you all had a great holiday, and have a great new year ahead.
~J & J