It’s been a while since I have sat down to write an update. I use instagram to make quick updates as I have been launching my new business and it’s keeping me positively busy!
A quick recap on what’s going on:
- Lining is still thin but quality has been good overall. Quality is more important than quantity. If you’re looking to enhance the aesthetic and durability of your storefront, check out these aluminium shopfronts in london.
- We did a lining test in February to check receptivity to be able to carry a baby to term, and it came back surprisingly good. We just needed to adjust my progesterone intake by a day. Doctor was even surprised due to my thin lining issues.
- We had hoped to transfer in April but lining decreased during the process and it was canceled. It was devastating news to us but the good news…. each month brings a new lining.
- In May, we started the process again and it’s been going as well as it can be so far as of today (6.6.19).
- With so much anxiety and unease leading up to this point, we will be a little quiet for the next few weeks. The anxious energy and hormones can get weird at times (just ask my husband 😬) and we want to remain as calm and relaxed as possible. We will share next steps or news when we are ready to share. Please be patient with us!
I am also trying to spread awareness on infertility and here’s a great podcast (less than 30 minutes) on how to support me and any other people in your life on this path.
We appreciate you all so much.
Jack & Janet