A quick update on what’s been going on as we have been quiet for a while. If you know us personally, we ask that you please read this and check this account before checking in on us to find out what’s next. We truly appreciate it.
The past six years have been rough on us, and we are now working towards transferring our last remaining embryo. We are reverting back to keeping the discussion to ourselves as anxiety will be riding high. The feeling of pressure to respond to the same questions repeatedly of “what’s next” or “when’s the transfer?” is something which is exceedingly stress-inducing for us (more so on Janet than Jack).
We know you all want to support us and sometimes you debate on whether to ask or what to do. Try to forget what’s going on with us and be normal, we will bring it up if we want you to know or talk about what’s going on. We truly appreciate everyone having our back, we really do! We’ll update you when we have news to share and we hope it will be GOOD!
Outside of this, we have a lot going on in the next few months. No matter what happens, we will likely be moving to a new home. It is possible that we will still be in Los Angeles, but the world may also be open to us depending on a handful of factors. We have a LOT to think about beyond our fertility journey, and are trying to rediscover our paths. If you want to know about our new protocol, check out the blog post – link in bio.
New protocol:
We met with the doctor in early July to discuss the plan for our remaining embryo. The doctor and lining specialist have talked through a new plan and would like to add platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and G-CSF wash to my transfer protocol. Intrauterine infusion of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a new approach that has been suggested for the treatment of thin endometrium. PRP is blood plasma prepared from your own blood that has been enriched with platelets. It is then inserted into the uterine cavity which will help thicken the lining. There have been some small studies where pregnancy rate is increased with growing endometrial thickness with PRP. It has been also used to help hair growth too! The other approach, G-CSF wash, is a medication that is also used to help cancer patients and it is also injected into the uterus to help the implantation.
I also had my lining checked in its natural state (no hormones as it is a rest month) and it measured 5-5.5mm and was trilaminar. My lining doctor said, “THIS IS GREAT!”. I felt very good about his excited response! FYI: This is a little thinner when I’m on transfer meds so it shows it’s not making that much of a difference. My new protocol will add Menopur, a growth stimulator for follicles, which leads to increased natural estrogen production. For the majority of embryo transfers, exogenous estrogen (patches, oral and/or intramuscular shots) are usually prescribed. In my case, this synthetic but chemically identical hormone does not produce as strong a lining response.
I’ll start the new protocol when my period starts, so fingers crossed this will work and the last embryo will be the golden embryo! We are also being realistic around what we do next if this embryo does not “stick”. We have struggled to process exactly what comes next, and to be honest, we are contemplating the potential reality of not being able to have children at all. After over six years of the cycle of excitement, hope, and heartbreak, we are facing the fact that we may be done.
Love to you all!
#TheLastoftheMohicans #pgstested #lastofthemohicans #lastembryo #remainingembryo #fet #thinlining #thinendometrium #gcsfwash #gcsf #prpivf #ivfprp #naturalfet #stimmeds #newivfprotocol #embryotransfer #plateletrichplasma #ivfplateletrichplasma #prp #cd15 #liningcheck #trental #neuprogenwash #lining
Excited to hear where your new home is going to be. Lots of love to you both!
Thank you! Right back at you!<3