Today I feel like a turtle in a race. The finish line seems to be nowhere in sight but we will persevere until we cross that finish line.
I will have a hysteroscopy earlier than expected (Thursday, August 30, 2018) with the lining specialist. This is a minor procedure to take yet another look under the hood, as the medication I have been on for the past 6 months doesn’t seem to be helping my lining thickness. I am a little anxious about the possibility of finding more scarring, or other issues, which may push us toward surrogacy. The next appointment with the fertility doctor is on Tuesday, September 4. If things look good, we will start the egg retrieval medications!!! If not, we wait another month as each month is a new round of follicles (eggs). Please send positive vibes for Thursday and egg-cellent thoughts our way for next Tuesday’s appointment. We are ready to get this shot-party started!
Life today: It has been nearly a month since I left my job, and I have had the opportunity to truly evaluate life in general, and to appreciate my situation and the great opportunities in front of me. The unimportant stresses being taken off of my plate and my resulting well being are eye-opening. I have realized that it wasn’t worth the stress, and I am so glad to be focusing on our family. That having been said, leaving a job does have its own impact. It’s crazy, and I mean crazy, how much this all costs. In the SoCal area, it’s about $20-25K just for the egg retrieval and associated medications. This doesn’t include the embryo transfer, which is another ~$8K. Surrogacy, while not the route we want to go for personal reasons, is the other option, and weighs in ~$100K++. No matter which path we end up on, though, it will all be worth it for this miracle child!
Photo: A pineapple, in the “trying to conceive” world, has become a symbol because its represents warmth, welcome and friendship for women supporting each other during this precious time.
It truly means so much for y’all to be rooting for us for what already feels like an eternity.
~Janet & Jack
Y’all are awesome and inspiring. Many prayers are coming your way!
Thank you AT for your support. It means a lot to us.
❤️😊 Sending all the love and good vibes!